Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, More Cousins, Brothers, Sisters, Fiancés and More Cousins

Pictures from the birthday luncheon for Mormor. It lasted from noon til seven at night on Saturday. Many of us haven't seen each other in over a decade. The pictures speak for themselves, so I'll just add names.

Here goes. Standing (l-r): Kirsten & Mike, Annett & Uncle Svend, my mom & dad, Aunt Marianne & Uncle Ole, Caroline & Peter, Bente & Franz; Chairs: Jim & Suzanne, Cousin Kirsten, Mormor, Anni, Pia & Chris (and I'm tucked right in there by Pia); Floor kids: Marcus, Camilla, Christina, Austin, Celine, Claudia, Mia, Gus, Christopher.

Top row: Cousin Peter's kids, Christina and Christopher holding Gus (my sister Kirsten's son) and Mia (daughter of Peter's sister, Cousin Pia); Bottom row: Cousin Kirsten and Mormor

My mom (she's the youngest) and her middle brother, Uncle Ole

Uncle Svend (my mom's oldest brother) makes a toast

Mia checks out the birthday cake

Sunday was more visiting. Was really great to catch up. Wish I lived closer to my cousins!

Cousin Peter, Christina and Christopher

We started with breakfast courtesy of my mom and dad. Afterward, some of took Uncle Svend's family's dog, Waks (I'm sure I'm misspelling that) for a walk on the beach. Claudia, Camilla, Marcus and Waks turned back early, but Peter, Caroline, Christina, Christopher and I continued to a harbor where they clean and filet the fish on the dock and sell it right away. Peter remembers a lot of experiences on this beach from growing up and sailing with my uncles.

Later, my mom, dad and I drove to a harbor to see if we could see some of Cousin Celine's sailing competition on Køge Bugt. There were some interesting boats there. Celine's competition just looked like white triangles (sails) on the horizon. We did see an enormous rabbit and a lot of cool boats. The catamaran is a popular boat type here. This one has cabins in each of the hulls. Uncle Svend lived on a tri-hulled catamaran for a while when I was little.

We also saw this sign indicating that you must apparently wear a porkpie hat to ride on the bicycle path. The guy in the background is not in compliance.