Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Food and Stuff

The great migration.

Probably the most yummy wedding cake, ever.

Tad masters the eyebrow cock & clench.


Dessert love!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Partay

OMG, they're married!!

And dancing!

And speaking...

And their folks are speaking:

And people are cracking each other up:

And there's dancing with Grace a.k.a. Grandma O. a.k.a. the Salsa Queen:

Finally, a traditional Gruhala Getdown:

Bridal Bunch

Picture Time

Pictures in room 750, early afternoon.

This dress came with a free iPhone! Or else the Phoenix conjured it.

Beauty and the Balcony.

The Reveal. So long, Chet.

The Hair and the Makeups

It begins!

Saturday, October 18, lunchtime at the salon...

Wendi doing the ol' cock & clench.